Compressors Mobile and Industrial Compressors

Mobile Compressors

A wide variety of users rely on Mobile compressors when there is a demand for portable compressed air. Pressures range, depending on the model, from 7 to 24 Bar (101 to 350 psi). The experience in the design and manufacture of high quality and efficient portable compressors spans 200 years.

The whole range consists of over 30 models, there is a model to suit any application, from the smallest single axle model, powering a single pneumatic tool, through to the innovative turbo screw range of machines. All models have easy access for operation and routine maintenance as standard across the range with well located control panels and simple lift off canopies or large access doors.

Across the Series of the Mobile compressors a wide range of options exist to tailor the compressor to your exact requirements. These include adjustable tow-bars, built in A/C Generators on certain models, additional filtration, built in aftercoolers, tool lubricators, road lights, pneumatic hose reels and also customers own paint colour and signwriting.


  • Pressure: 7 - 24 bar
  • Output Air Delivery: 1.4 - 27 m3/min

Oil Free Rotary Screw Compressors

Having only one moving part spinning in a magnetic field, Compressor’s revolutionary drive compression assembly forms the heart of the new compressor design. Its unique rotor and direct-driven compression elements are levitated by active electromagnetic bearings to allow them to reach speeds of up to 60,000 rpm.

As industry changes so do its demands:- In many applications, compressed air has become active and in processes where air comes into contact with the process it serves, the quality of that air becomes critical.

High technology industries demand higher quality air. To meet the exacting standards of industry we have developed an outstanding range of Oil-free machines. Not only are they Oil-free, but Oil-less as they contain no oil at all.


  • Pressure: 5 - 10 bar
  • Output Air Delivery: 1.8 - 18.55 m3/min

Oil injected Rotary Screw Compressors

Our extensive range of Oil-injected rotary screw compressors incorporate the very latest technological advances and manufacturing processes to provide you with a continuous supply of economic and reliable high quality compressed air. All compressors are designed with a CompAir manufactured, high output compression element with slow rotational speed to reduced energy usage and increase reliability.

All rotary screw compressors can be sized to suit the required output, and can be driven by either a fixed speed drive motor or our variable speed drive system. The volume flow can be precisely controlled to meet your continually changing demands. This ensures that you use only the energy required to do the job and no more.

The rotary screw compressors incorporate a variable speed drive system of outstanding efficiency. These compressors offer the ability to precisely match power consumption with air demand. Maximum efficiency at any level of demand cuts energy costs and saves money. This is achieved by varying the speed of the drive motor with exceptional levels of efficiency.


  • Pressure: 7.5 - 13 bar
  • Output Air Delivery: 0.18 - 42.7 m3/min

Having trouble with choosing the suitable compressor? We can help you.

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